American author and poet, born in Utica, NY, in 1839. Her maiden name, and the one she wrote for many years under, was Mary Clemmer, and by it she was best known. Her first literary work was for the press. She was the friend of Alice and Phoebe Cary, and wrote their biographies. Monographs on Margaret Fuller, George Eliot, Charles Sumner, Longfellow and Emerson were from her pen. She wrote Victoria (1864); Eirene (1870); Ten Years in Washington (1871); His Two Wives (1874); and a volume of poems (1882). She was married, while very young, to the Rev. Daniel Ames, but was divorced in 1879, and married Edmund Hudson in 1883. She died in Washington, DC, on the 18th of August 1884. See also “Something Beyond,” “Good-Night” and “Distance.”