American educator and author, born in Putnam County, IN, on the 26th of April 1840. He obtained his early education under great difficulties, entered Asbury (now DePauw) University at nineteen, and graduated with the highest honors. He became instructor in the Thorntown (Indiana) Academy immediately after graduation; in 1864 its principal; in 1867 professor in Baker University, Kansas; in 1869 professor of English literature in Asbury University; in 1879 vice-president of the institution. He was the author of Academic History of the United States (1874–75); Popular History of the United States (1876); Monograph on Alexander Hamilton (1880); Life and Work of Garfield (1881–82); History of Texas (1884); A Cyclopædia of Universal History (3 vols., 1880–84); and Great Races of Mankind (1894). Professor Ridpath was very influential in securing an endowment of from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 from the late Mr. DePauw and in rechartering the institution under the name of DePauw University. After performing this service for the university, he resigned his position as professor and vice-president, and gave his attention entirely to literature.