American general, and a grandson of Andrew Gregg; born at Huntingdon, PA, on the 10th of April 1833; graduated at West Point in 1855; served against the Indians in Oregon from 1858 to 1860 as lieutenant; at the outbreak of the Civil War was made captain in the Sixth Cavalry and in January 1862 was appointed colonel of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry; served with distinction in the Virginia peninsular campaign, and was made brigadier-general of volunteers in 1862. Then he commanded a division of cavalry, and was engaged at Gettysburg and in the pursuit of Lee’s army. After the Richmond campaign, in which he was engaged in command of the Second Cavalry Division, he resigned, February 3, 1865, and was brevetted major-general of volunteers in recognition of his gallant conduct. In 1874 he was appointed United States consul at Prague, Bohemia.