Complete. Number 100 of the Rambler.

  Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico
Tangit, et admissus circum præcordia ludit.

  Horace, with sly, insinuating grace,
Laugh’d at his friend, and look’d him in the face;
Would raise a blush where secret vice he found,
And tickle while he gently probed the wound.
With seeming innocence the crowd beguiled;
But made the desperate passes when he smiled.

To the Rambler: Sir:
AS very many well-disposed persons, by the unavoidable necessity of their affairs, are so unfortunate as to be totally buried in the country, where they labor under the most deplorable ignorance of what is transacting among the polite part of mankind, I cannot help thinking that, as a public writer, you should take the case of these truly compassionable objects under your consideration.


  These unhappy languishers in obscurity should be furnished with such accounts of the employments of people of the world as may engage them in their several remote corners to a laudable imitation; or at least so far inform and prepare them that if by any joyful change of situation they should be suddenly transported into the gay scene, they may not gape and wonder and stare, and be utterly at a loss how to behave and make a proper appearance in it.


  It is inconceivable how much the welfare of all the country towns in the kingdom might be promoted if you would use your charitable endeavors to raise in them a noble emulation of the manners and customs of higher life.


  For this purpose you should give a very clear and ample description of the whole set of polite acquirements; a complete history of forms, fashions, frolics, of routs, drums, hurricanes, balls, assemblies, ridottos, masquerades, auctions, plays, operas, puppet shows, and bear gardens; of all those delights which profitably engage the attention of the most sublime characters, and by which they have brought to such amazing perfection the whole art and mystery of passing day after day, week after week, and year after year, without the heavy assistance of any one thing that formal creatures are pleased to call useful and necessary.


  In giving due instructions through what steps to attain this summit of human excellence, you may add such irresistible arguments in its favor as must convince numbers, who in other instances do not seem to want natural understanding, of the unaccountable error of supposing they were sent into the world for any other purpose but to flutter, sport, and shine. For, after all, nothing can be clearer than that an everlasting round of diversion, and the more lively and hurrying the better, is the most important end of human life.


  It is really prodigious, so much as the world is improved, that there should in these days be persons so ignorant and stupid as to think it necessary to misspend their time and trouble their heads about anything else than pursuing the present fancy; for what else is worth living for?


  It is time enough surely to think of consequences when they come; and as for the antiquated notions of duty, they are not to be met with in any French Novel, or any book one ever looks into, but derived almost wholly from the writings of authors who lived a vast many ages ago; and who, as they were totally without any idea of those accomplishments which now characterize people of distinction, have been for some time sinking apace into utter contempt. It does not appear that even their most zealous admirers, for some partisans of his own sort every writer will have, can pretend to say they were ever at one ridotto.


  In the important article of diversions, the ceremonial of visits, the ecstatic delight of unfriendly intimacies, and unmeaning civilities, they are absolutely silent. Blunt truth, and downright honesty, plain clothes, staying at home, hard work, few words, and those unenlivened with censure or double meaning, are what they recommend as the ornaments and pleasures of life. Little oaths, polite dissimulation, tea-table scandal, delightful indolence, the glitter of finery, the triumph of precedence, the enchantments of flattery, they seem to have had no notion of, and I cannot but laugh to think what a figure they would have made in a drawing-room, and how frighted they would have looked at a gaming table.


  The noble zeal of patriotism that disdains authority and tramples on laws for sport was absolutely the aversion of these tame wretches.


  Indeed, one cannot discover any one thing they pretend to teach people, but to be wise and good; acquirements infinitely below the consideration of persons of taste and spirit, who know how to spend their time to so much better purpose.


  Among other admirable improvements, pray, Mr. Rambler, do not forget to enlarge on the very extensive benefit of playing at cards on Sundays; a practice of such infinite use, that we may modestly expect to see it prevail universally in all parts of this kingdom.


  To persons of fashion, the advantage is obvious; because, as for some strange reason or other, which no fine gentleman or fine lady has yet been able to penetrate, there is neither play nor masquerade nor bottled conjurer nor any other thing worth living for, to be had on a Sunday; if it were not for the charitable assistance of whist or brag, the genteel part of mankind must, one day in seven, necessarily suffer a total extinction of being.


  Nor are the persons of high rank the only gainers by so salutary a custom, which extends its good influence, in some degree, to the lower orders of people; but were it quite general, how much better and happier would the world be than it is even now?


  It is hard upon poor creatures, be they ever so mean, to deny them those enjoyments and liberties which are equally open for all. Yet if servants were taught to go to church on this day, spend some part of it in reading or receiving instruction in a family way, and the rest in mere friendly conversation, the poor wretches would infallibly take it into their heads that they were obliged to be sober, modest, diligent, and faithful to their masters and mistresses.


  Now surely no one of common prudence or humanity would wish their domestics infected with such strange and primitive notions, or laid under such unmerciful restraints: all which may, in a great measure, be prevented by the prevalence of the good-humored fashion that I would have you recommend. For when the lower kind of people see their betters, with a truly laudable spirit, insulting and flying in the face of those rude, ill-bred dictators, piety and the laws, they are thereby excited and admonished, as far as actions can admonish and excite, and taught that they too have an equal right of setting them at defiance in such instances as their particular necessities and inclinations may require; and thus is the liberty of the whole human species mightily improved and enlarged.


  In short, Mr. Rambler, by a faithful representation of the numberless benefits of a modish life, you will have done your part in promoting what everybody seems to confess the true purpose of human existence, perpetual dissipation.


  By encouraging people to employ their whole attention on trifles, and make amusement their sole study, you will teach them how to avoid many very uneasy reflections.


  All the soft feelings of humanity, the sympathies of friendship, all natural temptations to the care of a family, and solicitude about the good or ill of others, with the whole train of domestic and social affections, which create such daily anxieties and embarrassments, will be happily stifled and suppressed in a round of perpetual delights; and all serious thoughts, but particularly that of hereafter, be banished out of the world; a most perplexing apprehension, but luckily a most groundless one too, as it is so very clear a case, that nobody ever dies.

I am, etc.,