A position of difficulty.


1852.  That was the only time in my life that I felt myself in a tight spot.—Mr. Townshend of Ohio, House of Repr., June 23: Cong. Globe, p. 714, App.


1856.  You are in a difficult situation—what the vulgar call ‘a tight place’—that, in short, you are about to receive a drubbing.—W. G. Simms, ‘Eutaw,’ p. 349.


1857.  You know Tomson left her in rather a tight place, don’t you?—six children and a cabin to keep them in, but nobody to the work for them, and stay in the house nights.—J. G. Holland, ‘The Bay-Path,’ p. 334.


1857.  Ah! NICKERBACKER,… were you ever in a tight place?Knick. Mag., l. 575 (Dec.).