See quot. 1833.


1737.  We then found another blaze, and pursued it, till it divided into two.—John Wesley, Journal (Dec.). (N.E.D.) (Italics in the original.)


1775.  If by land these same two men serve as chain-bearers, and two as blazers.—B. Romans, ‘Florida,’ p. 195.


1799.  Gashing, notching, and blazing, are fallacious, futile, hurtful.—The Aurora (Phila.), May 22.


1832.  From Utica to Canandaigua [about 1785–1800] they travelled for several years by “blazed paths;” that is, by chipping pieces out of trees, to show the traveller his way through boundless forests.—Watson, ‘Historic Tales of New York,’ p. 41.


1833.  “Blazed” trees are marked with an axe or hatchet, to designate that a trail runs near them.—C. F. Hoffman, ‘A Winter in the Far West,’ i. 181 n. (Lond., 1835).


1835.  Your patience when you are ground down by legislation, which, instead of crushing you, whets your invention to strike a path without a blaize on a tree to guide you.—‘Col. Crockett’s Tour,’ p. 68 (Phila.).


1836.  We had, in many instances, no other guide to the path than the blazes on the trees.—‘Col. Crockett in Texas,’ p. 120 (Phila.).


1841.  I desire to now blaze the landmarks which do now, and ever have divided the Federal and the Democratic parties.—Mr. Duncan of Ohio, House of Representatives, Jan. 26: Congressional Globe, p. 155, Appendix.