subs. (old cant).—1.  A GUINEA-DROPPER (q.v.): [A coin is PLANTED (q.v.), and a likely passer-by is offered a share because present at the discovery; to get change, ‘drinks’ are suggested, and the victim goes out fleeced].—(B. E. and GROSE).


  1699.  The Country Gentleman’s Vade Mecum, 97. Guinea Dropping, or SWEETNING, is a Paultry little Cheat, that was recommended to the World about thirty Years ago, by a Memorable Gentleman, that has since had the Misfortune to be taken off, I mean, Hang’d, for a Misdemeanour upon the Highway.


  2.  (auctioneers’).—A RUNNER-UP (q.v.) of prices; a BONNET (q.v.).


  3.  (common).—In pl. = the lips. TO FAKE THE SWEETENERS = to kiss.


  4.  (old).—‘One who decoys persons to game’ (BAILEY). Also SWEETEN, verb (B. E. and GROSE) = to decoy, to draw in.