or lock, subs. (old).—A falling curl by the ear: fashionable more or less from the time of Elizabeth to Charles I.; worn on the left side, and hanging by the shoulder, sometimes even to the girdle. Also HEART-BREAKERS (q.v.).


  1592.  J. LYLY, Mydas, iii. 2. How, sir, will you be trim’d? Will you have your beard like a spade, or a bodkin?… your LOVE-LOCKES wreathed with a silken twist, or shaggie to fall on your shoulders?


  1592.  GREENE, A Quip for an Upstart Courtier, D2, b. Will you be Frenchified, with a LOVE-LOCK down to your shoulders, wherein you may hang your mistres’ favour?


  1592.  NASHE, Pierce Penilesse, His Supplication to the Divell [GROSART (1885), ii. 28]. Yet cannot his stabbing dagger, or his nittie LOUE-LOCKE, keepe him out of the Legend of fantasticall cockscombs.


  1594.  BARNFIELD, The Affectionate Shepherd.

        Why should thy sweete LOVE-LOCKE hang dangling downe,
  Kissing thy girdle-stud with falling pride?


  1600.  SHAKESPEARE, Much Ado about Nothing, iii. 3. 1 Watch. And one Deformed is one of them: I know him, he wears a LOCK.


  1615.  BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, Cupid’s Revenge, ii. He lay in gloves all night, and this morning I brought him a new periwig with a LOCK at it.


  1633.  PRYNNE, Histrio-mastix, 209. And more especially in long, unshorne, womanish, frizled, love-provoking haire, and LOVELOCKES, growne now too much in fashion with comly pages, youthes, and lewd, effeminate, ruffianly persons.


  1640.  SHIRLEY, The Coronation, i.

                    And who knows but he
May lose his Ribband by it in his LOCK,
Dear as his Saint?


  1649.  DAVENANT, Love and Honour, ii. 1.

        A LOCK for the left side, so rarely hung
With ribbanding of sundry colours.


  1663.  BUTLER, Hudibras, I. i. 253.

        Like Samson’s HEART-BREAKERS it grew
In time to make a nation rue.


  1821.  Blackwood’s Magazine, x. 267. Pretty little fantastic chignons and LOVE-LOCKS.


  1836.  M. SCOTT, Tom Cringle’s Log, ii. The outlandishness of the fashion was not offensive, when I came to take into the account the beauty of the plaiting, and of the long raven LOVE-LOCKS that hung down behind each of his small transparent ears.


  1868.  BREWER, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, s.v. LOVE LOCK. When men indulge in a curl in front of their ears, the LOVE-LOCK is called a bell-rope—i.e., a rope to pull the belles after them.