The subjoined lists will be of interest.


  INVITATIONS TO DRINK.—What’ll you have? Nominate your pizen! Will you irrigate? Will you tod? Wet your whistle? How’ll you have it? Let us stimulate! Let’s drive another nail! What’s your medicine? Willst du trinken? Try a little anti-abstinence? Twy (zwei) lager! Your whiskey’s waiting. Will you try a smile? Will you take a nip? Let’s get there. Try a little Indian? Come and see your pa? Suck some corn juice? Let’s liquor up. Let’s go and see the baby.


  RESPONSES TO INVITATIONS TO DRINK.—Here’s into your face! Here’s how! Here’s at you! Don’t care if I do. Well, I will. I’m thar! Accepted, unconditionally. Well, I don’t mind. Sir, your most. Sir, your utmost. You do me proud! Yes, sir-ree! With you—yes! Anything to oblige. On time. I’m with you. Count me in. I subscribe.


  SYNONYMS FOR A DRINK [i.e., a portion], generally, or when taken at specified times.—Anti-lunch; appetiser; ball; bullock’s eye (a glass of port); bead; bosom friend; bucket; bumper; big-reposer; chit-chat; cheerer; cinder; corker; cobbler; damper, or something damp; dannie; drain; dram; deoch-an-doras; digester; eye-opener; entr’acte; fancy smile; flash; flip; facer; forenoon; go; gill; heeltap; invigorator; Johnny; joram; morning rouser; modicum; nip, or nipperkin; night cap; nut; pistol shot; pony; pill; quantum; refresher; rouser; reposer; shout; smile; swig; sleeve-button; something; slight sensation; shant; sparkler; settler; stimulant; soother; thimblefull; tift; taste; toothful; Timothy. For other synonyms, see GO


  GENERAL SYNONYMS FOR DRINK.—Breaky-leg; bub; crater (also = whiskey); fuddle; gargle; grog; guzzle; lap; lush; neck-oil; nectar; poison; slum-gullion; swizzle; stingo; tipple; tittey; toddy. For other synonyms, see TIPPLE.


  SYNONYMS FOR BEER (including stout).—Act of Parliament; artesian; barley; belch; belly-vengeance; bevy or bevvy; brownstone; bum-clink; bung-juice; bunker; cold-blood; down (see UP); English burgundy (porter); gatter; half-and-half; heavy-wet; John Barleycorn; knock down or knock-me-down; oil of barley; perkin; ponge, pongelow, or ponjello; rosin; rot-gut; sherbert; stingo; swankey; swipes; swizzle; up (bottled ale or stout). For other synonyms, see SWIPES.


  SYNONYMS FOR BRANDY.—Ball of fire; bingo; cold-tea; cold-nantz; French elixir or cream. For other synonyms, see FRENCH ELIXIR.


  SYNONYMS FOR WHISKEY.Aqua vitæ; bald-fore; barley-bree; breaky-leg; bottled-earthquake; bum-clink; caper-juice; cappie; curse of Scotland; family-disturbance; farintosh; forty-rod lightning; grapple-the-rails; hard stuff; hell-broth; infernal compound; kill-the-beggar; lightning; liquid fire; moonlight; moonshine; mountain-dew; old man’s milk; pine-top; railroad; red-eye; rot-gut; screech; Simon pure; sit-on-a-rock (rye whiskey); soul-destroyer; square-face; stone-fence; tangle-foot; the real thing; the sma’ still; white-eye. For other synonyms, see OLD MAN’S MILK.


  SYNONYMS FOR GIN.—Blue ruin; blue-tape; Brian O’Lynn (rhyming); cat-water; cream of the valley; daffy; diddle; drain; duke; eye-water; frog’s wine; juniper; jackey; lap; max; misery; old Tom; ribbon; satin; soothing-syrup; stark-naked; strip-me-naked; tape; white satin, tape, or wine. For other synonyms, see SATIN.


  SYNONYMS FOR CHAMPAGNE.—Cham or chammy; boy; fiz; dry; bitches’ wine.


  SYNONYM FOR PORT.Red fustian (q.v.).


  SYNONYMS FOR SHERRY.—Bristol milk; white wash.


  TERMS IMPLYING VARIOUS DEGREES OF INTOXICATION.—All mops and brooms; at rest; Bacchi plenus; battered; beargured; beery; been at a ploughing match, crooking the elbow, drowning the shamrock, having a cooler or warmer, having the eyes opened, in the sun, looking through a glass, lifting the little finger, making fun, on sentry, talking to Jamie Moore or trying Taylor’s best; bemused; been bit by a barn mouse; blued; boosed or boosy; bosky; bright in the eye; buffy; canon; can’t see a hole in a ladder; can’t say National Intelligencer; chirping-merry; clear; corned; croaked; crooked; cup-shot; cut; damaged; dipped rather deep; disguised; doing the lord or emperor; done over; down with barrel fever; dry; electrified; elevated; elephant’s-trunk (rhyming); far-gone; feeling right royal; flushed; flustered; flawed; been flying rather high; foggy; fou’, or fou’ as a piper; fuddled; full; foxed; glorious; got a drop in the eye; got the back teeth well afloat; greetin’ fu’; groggy; got the gravel rash; half-cut; half-seas-over; hard-up; hazy; hearty; helpless; in a difficulty; in liquor; in the altitudes; in one’s cups; inspired; in the blues, shakes, or horrors; jolly; kisky; been lapping the gutter; loose; looking lively; lumpy; lushy; mellow; miraculous; mortal; moony; muggy; muddled; muzzy; nappy; obfuscated; on; on his fourth; on the batter, beer, bend, fuddle, loose, muddle, ramble, ran-tan, ree-raw, rampage, skyte, or spree; off his nut; out of funds; overcome; overtaken; paralysed; peckish; ploughed; podgy; pruned; pushed; raddled: rather touched; reeling; roaring; salubrious; screwed; scammered; sewed-up; shaky; slewed; smeekit; smelling of the cork; soaked; spiffed; spreeish; sprung; stolling; starchery; swipey; tavered; taking it easy; thirsty; three-sheets-in-the-wind; tight; tipsy; top-heavy; unco’ happy; under the influence; up a tree; waving a flag of defiance; with the mainbrace well spliced; got the sun in the eyes; whittled; wet; winey; yaupish, yappy, or yaupy. For other synonyms, see SCREWED, and cf., DRUNK AS DAVY’S SOW.