Name of two German classical scholars. Karl Gottlob Zumpt (1792–1849), who was educated at Heidelberg and Berlin, was from 1812 to 1827 a schoolmaster in Berlin, and in 1827 became professor of Latin literature at the university. His chief work was his Lateinische Grammatik (1818), which stood as a standard work until superseded by Madvig’s in 1844. He edited Quintilian’s Institutio oratoria (1831), Cicero’s Verrines and De officiis (1837), and Curtius. Otherwise he devoted himself mainly to Roman history, publishing Annales veterum regnorum et populorum (3rd ed., 1862), a work in chronology down to A.D. 476, and other antiquarian studies. His nephew, August Wilhelm Zumpt (1815–1877), studied in Berlin, and in 1851 became professor in the Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium. He is known chiefly in connection with Latin epigraphy, his papers on which (collected in Commentationes epigraphicae, 2 vols., 1850–54) brought him into conflict with Mommsen in connection with the preparation of the Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum, a scheme for which, drawn up by Mommsen, was approved in 1847. His works include Monumentum Ancyranum (with Franck, 1847) and De monumento Ancyrano supplendo (1869); Studia Romana (1859); Das Kriminalrecht der röm. Republik (1865–69); Der Kriminalprozess der röm. Republik (1871); editions of Namatianus (1840), Cicero’s Pro Murena (1859) and De lege agraria (1861). Ihne incorporated materials left by him in the 7th and 8th vols. of his Römische Geschichte (1840).