American patriot, born in Jessamine County, KY, in 1791; died in Carrollton, KY, on the 6th of August 1880. He was a graduate of Transylvania University, studied law, but on the outbreak of the War of 1812 went into military service. He was at Fort Wayne, the two battles (Jan. 18 and 22, 1813) on Raisin River, and at the second was wounded and captured, escaping to his native state only after great hardships. He left the army in 1817, and resumed his law practice. He served in the Mexican War, and was wounded at Monterey. In 1848 he succeeded General Scott as chief commander, and held the place till the war closed. He was unsuccessful candidate for the Vice-Presidency in 1848, when Cass was at the head of the ticket.