English musician, born in London in 1785, and for eight years (1793–1801) a chorister of the Chapel Royal, where he studied music chiefly under Dr. Ayrton. He subsequently held various musical posts, being in 1817 appointed master of the children of the Chapel Royal. He also carried on the business of a music publisher, and was for many years musical director of the Lyceum theatre, then devoted to English opera. In the last-named capacity (July 23, 1824), he introduced Weber’s Der Freischütz for the first time in England, at first slightly curtailed, but soon afterwards in its entirety. Winter’s Interrupted Sacrifice, Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Marschner’s Vampyre and other important works were also brought out under his auspices. Hawes also wrote or compiled the music for numerous pieces. Better were his glees and madrigals, of which he published several collections. He also superintended a new edition of the celebrated Triumph of Oriana. He died on the 18th of February 1846.