American journalist and politician, born near Lake Champlain, NY, in 1760. The son of Irish parents, when a boy was sent by them to Ireland to receive his training. He displayed throughout his life the spirit of the Irish agitator, to which he added a spitefulness which brought him many enemies and few friends. He was a printer by trade, and in 1784 went to India and began the publication of the Calcutta World, but soon made himself obnoxious to the authorities and was sent to England. There he became connected with the London Times. He moved to the United States in 1795, and in 1798 became editor of the Aurora of Philadelphia, a paper, in its time, of great political influence. He made use of his position to attack the Presidential administrations of Adams and Madison. While at first he had considerable influence, it was soon lost by reason of the coarse and vilifying editorials written by him. He left the Aurora in 1822 and went to South America, but returned the next year. He was given a small office as an attaché of the supreme court, and retaining it until his death, which occurred in Philadelphia, PA, on the 24th of November 1835