Italian patriot and littérateur, born in Naples, Italy, on the 24th of October 1840; abandoned his college course to follow Garibaldi’s fortune during the famous campaign of 1860 that wrested the two Sicilies from the Bourbon dynasty; carried to his literary work the same impetuosity that characterized his devotion as a patriot; his criticisms of modern writers were pungent and combative. They have been collected under the titles of Fame Usurpate (1877), and Appunti Critici (1878); some powerful verse of his is included in Esercizi di Prosodia; his best work, however, is his collection of popular poetry under the title of Canti Popolari delle Provincie Meridionali (2 vols., 1871–72); Dodici Canti Pomiglianesi (1877); La Novellaja Milanese (1872); La Novellaja Fiorentina (1877). He died on the 1st of January 1886.