[Thomas Day].  American educationist, born in Hudson, OH, on the 1st of April 1848. He graduated in 1870 at Western Reserve College, where his father, Nathan Perkins Seymour, was long professor of Greek and Latin. Here, after studying in Berlin and Leipzig, the son was professor of Greek in 1872–1880; and he became professor of Greek at Yale University in 1880, holding his position until his death in New Haven on the 31st of December 1907. He was from 1887 to 1901 chairman of the managing committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and was president of the Archæological Institute of America from 1903. Except for his Selected Odes of Pindar (1882), his published work was practically confined to the study of the Homeric poems: An Introduction to the Language and Verse of Homer (1885); Homer’s Iliad, i.–iv. (1887–1890); Homeric Vocabulary (1889); Introduction and Vocabulary to School Odyssey (1897); Life in the Homeric Age (1907). He edited, with Lewis R. Packard and John W. White, the “College Series of Greek Authors”.