American Naval officer, born in Chauteaugay, NY, on the 12th of April 12, 1805; died in Washington, DC, on the 10th of February 1877. He entered the navy as midshipman in 1818, and reached the rank of rear-admiral. When the Mexican War broke out he conveyed an artillery company to California by way of Cape Horn. He took part in several expeditions, suppressed a riot in Panama, helped in restoring friendly feelings between the United States and the Fiji Islanders, and when the Civil War broke out he commanded the frigate Colorado. He led in Farragut’s attack on New Orleans and was sent to demand the surrender of the city,—a commission requiring great bravery. From 1862 to 1865 he was in command of the eastern Gulf blockade squadron, when he suppressed blockade-running trade. He commanded at the Portsmouth, NH, navy-yard in 1865–67, and was placed on the retired list in October 1866.