American abolitionist; born at Hampton, CT, on the 23rd of November 1803; studied at Hamilton, and at Phillips Academy, Andover; became agent for a society for promoting manual labor instruction in 1830; went to Lane Theological Seminary, but left with six other students upon the suppression of a students’ antislavery society by the trustees in 1883; he then went to Oberlin and went on a lecturing tour until 1836, when, on losing control of his voice, he was placed in editorial charge of the publications of the American Anti-Slavery Society. In 1854 he organized a school at Perth Amboy, NJ, in which he received pupils without distinction as to color. In 1864 he removed to Hyde Park, MA, engaging in teaching, and again in lecturing. He published many pamphlets, and wrote The Bible Against Slavery and American Slavery as It Is. He died in Hyde Park, MA, on the 3rd of February 1895.