American soldier, born at Lewisburg, PA, on the 31st of December 1853. He graduated from West Point in 1875, was commissioned second lieutenant, and in 1880 was promoted to first lieutenant. From 1885 to 1888 he was professor of military science at the Naval War College; then for seven years aide-de-camp to Gen. Schofield and inspector of rifle practice, with the rank of captain from 1892. In 1897 he became military attaché at the American legation in Madrid. In 1898 he became major, and on the outbreak of the Spanish-American War was promoted lieutenant-colonel, serving through the Porto Rican campaign. From 1898 to 1902 he was in charge of Cuban customs and collector for the port of Havana. In 1902 he became a member of the Army War College Board, and in the following year commandant of the Army War College. From 1903 to 1905 he was a member of the joint Army and Navy Board and also a member of the general staff. From 1905 to 1909 he held various commands in the Philippines. During the latter half of 1909 he was president of the Army War College and a member of the general staff, and then was appointed assistant chief-of-staff, becoming in 1915 chief-of-staff. In 1917 he was made commanding-general, U.S. army, but later in the year retired, having reached the age limit. He was a member of the Allied Conference (1917), of the Supreme War Council (1918), and of the International Peace Conference (1918–9).