[Therese Albertine Louise (von Jakob) Robinson].  German-American authoress, born in Halle on the 26th of January 1797. For nine years she resided in Russia with her father, and upon her return published translations into German of Sir Walter Scott’s Old Mortality and Black Dwarf. In 1828 she married Professor Edward Robinson, and went with him to America. Here she contributed to the North American Review and the Biblical Repository, the latter of which her husband edited. After her husband’s death Mrs. Robinson lived in Hamburg, Germany. She published books in both German and English, under the pseudonym Talvj, an anagram of the initials in her maiden name. Among her works in German are Volkslieder der Serben (1826); Die Unechtheit der Lieder Ossians (1840); and Die Colonisation von New England (1847); among those in English, Woodhill: or, the Ways of Providence (1856); Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations (1850); and a posthumous work, entitled Fifteen Years (1870). She died in Hamburg on the 13th of April 1869.