[Count].  Japanese statesman, born in Tōkyō (then Yedo); one of the first batch of students sent by the Tokugawa government to study in England. He returned on the eve of the abolition of the Shōgunate, and followed Enomoto when the latter, sailing with the Tokugawa fleet to Yezo, attempted to establish a republic there in defiance of the newly organized government of the emperor. Thrown into prison on account of this affair, Hayashi did not obtain office until 1871. Thereafter he rose rapidly, until, after a long period of service as vice-minister of foreign affairs, he was appointed to represent his country first in Peking, then in St. Petersburg and finally in London, where he acted an important part in negotiating the first Anglo-Japanese Alliance, for which service he received the title of viscount. He remained in London throughout the Russo-Japanese War, and was the first Japanese ambassador at the Court of St. James after the war. Returning to Tōkyō in 1906 to take the portfolio of foreign affairs, he remained in office until the resignation of the Saionji cabinet in 1908. He was raised to the rank of count for eminent services performed during the war between his country and Russia, and in connection with the second Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1905. In the second Saionji Cabinet (1911–2) he held office ad interim as Foreign Minister during the absence of Visct. Uchida in Washington, and also held the portfolio of the Ministry of Communications. Owing to having contracted diabetes, from December 1912 he lived in strict retirement at his villa at Hayama. In the following June he fractured his thigh as the result of being thrown out of a ’rikisha, and amputation was found necessary. He failed to rally completely from the operation and died on the 10th of July 1913. He was buried in the Foreign Office corner of the Aoyama cemetery. In his death Japan lost an eminent diplomat, a genuine scholar and a man of strong opinions.