[Borojević von Bojna].  Austro-Hungarian field-marshal, born at Umetic in Croatia. As a young officer of infantry he served through the campaign for the occupation of Bosnia in 1878, and afterwards on the general staff until he reached the rank of general. In the World War he first led the VI. Corps in the victorious battle of Komarow, and as commander of the 3rd Army beat off the Russian attacks in the Carpathians until May 1915. He then took over the command on the Isonzo. His name is for ever associated with the eleven victorious battles fought in the defence against Italian armies twice as numerous as the Austrians and considerably better equipped. After the collapse of the monarchy the Yugoslav Government refused the “black and yellow” general permission to return to his province.


  Borojević embodies the type of the Croat general of the past in the more polished mould of the present. By iron industry he had acquired the fullest mastery of the science of war, as a general in the field he was distinguished by his intuitive judgment of the enemy, by his tenacious energy, and by his ingenuity as a tactician.