American novelist, born in New York City, on the 11th of July 1819. Under the pen-name of “Elizabeth Wetherell” she published, in 1851, her first novel, The Wide, Wide World, which reached a sale of 250,000 copies in the United States, and was almost as popular in Europe. This work was followed, in 1852, by Queechy; The Hills of the Shatemuc (1856); The Old Helmet (1863); Melbourne House (1864); Daisy (1868); A Story of Small Beginnings (1872); Wych Hazel (1876); The Kingdom of Judah (1878); My Desire (1879); Nobody (1883); Daisy Plains (1885); and others. The Law and the Testimony (1853) is of the nature of a theological treatise. She died in Highland Falls, NY, on the 17th of March 1885.