American soldier, born in Prince Edward County, VA, on the 11th of September 1809. He was educated at Hampden-Sidney College, and after a law course removed to Chariton County, MO, entering actively into politics and public affairs. He was sent both to Congress and to the state legislature, and when the Mexican War broke out he resigned his seat in the former body to serve as colonel of a cavalry regiment. He was placed in command of the territory comprised in New Mexico, invaded old Mexico, gained several brilliant victories, and was made military governor of Chihuahua. He was governor of Missouri from 1853 to 1857, and served in various other offices within the state. He was elected president of the state convention of 1861; on the outbreak of the Civil War became major-general of the Missouri state Confederate forces, and fought and defeated General Lyon at Wilson’s Creek. He was superseded by Van Dorn, participating in the campaigns of that general till the latter was ordered to Tennessee; he also took part in the Mississippi campaign under Beauregard and Pemberton, and was next transferred to the command of the Army of the West. He saw service in Tennessee, and was again placed under the command of Van Dorn. He was then transferred to the trans-Mississippi department and was assigned the command of Arkansas, whence he was driven by General Steele. From that time he was engaged in guerrilla warfare in Missouri. At the close of the war he went to Mexico, but returned in 1866. He died in St. Louis, MO, on the 29th of September 1867.