Newfoundland politician, born at Cape Broyle, Newfoundland, on the 29th of September 1864. He was educated at St. Bonaventure’s College, St. John’s, and afterwards adopted a business career, becoming a fishery merchant at Cape Broyle in 1885. In 1893 he entered politics as Liberal member for Ferryland, becoming a prominent member of the party. In 1905, however, he broke away from the Liberals, joining first the Independent Liberal party, and later (1908) the People’s party led by Sir Edward (afterwards Lord) Morris. He was chosen to represent Newfoundland on the Commission on West Indian Trade held at Jamaica in 1901, and after the outbreak of the World War occupied various important political posts. In 1917 he became Minister of Finance, and as such was largely instrumental in raising the Victory loan, and in 1918 he was successively acting Prime Minister during the absence of Lord Morris, acting Minister of Militia and acting Minister of Shipping. He was in the same year created K.B.E.