[Bart.].  British businessman, born at Nottingham on the 2nd of June 1850. He started a retail chemist’s business in a small way in that town, but gradually extended it until branches were established, with factories in connection, in most of the towns in the United Kingdom. He became chairman of Boot’s Pure Drug Co., Ltd., and also of Boot’s Cash Chemists, Ltd., which later added lending libraries and departments for the sale of fancy goods to the various chemist’s shops under their control. In 1920 he sold the whole of his business to the United Drug Co. of America, under whose control a new company was formed with the title Liggett’s International, Ltd., for the purpose of taking over other drug concerns in England and Canada. In 1921 he formed Sir Jesse Boot’s Social Trust, Ltd., a registered company with nominal capital £50,000 in 10,000 £5 shares, to find out “by investigation the best means of removing or alleviating poverty, distress, and other social evils, and promoting social service.” He became its chairman and governing director, his wife and Mr. J. W. Briggs, secretary of the Notts. C.O.S., being the other directors. He received a knighthood in 1909 and a baronetcy in 1916.