British admiral, came of a Norfolk family. Pepys’s story of his humble birth is said to be erroneous. It is probable that he saw a good deal of sea-service before 1648. He first appears prominently as the captain of the “Elisabeth,” which after a sharp action brought in a Dutch convoy with two men-of-war as prizes. From 1653 to 1655 he continued to command the “Elisabeth,” high in favour with the council of state and recommended for promotion by the flag officers under whom he served. In 1655 he was appointed to the “Marston Moore,” the crew of which was on the verge of mutiny. His firm measures quelled the insubordinate spirit, and he took the vessel out to the West Indies, where he remained for some years. The Restoration government retained him in his command, and in 1664 he was made vice-admiral in Prince Rupert’s squadron. As vice-admiral of the White he flew his flag at Lowestoft in 1665, and for his share in that action received the honour of knighthood. In the following year he served under the new lord high admiral, Sandwich, as vice-admiral of the Blue. He was on detachment with Prince Rupert when the great Four Days’ Battle began, but returned to the main fleet in time to take part, and in this action he received a wound of which he died.