British general, born on the 21st of April 1860 and joined the army in 1879. He served in Zululand in 1888, and as a staff officer and battalion commander during the South African War, for which he received the D.S.O. A highly educated staff officer, he filled a number of important appointments during the next few years; from 1907 to 1912 he was at the War Office as director of military training, and he was promoted major-general in 1910. He then became inspector of infantry, and he was given the K.C.B. in recognition of his services. On the mobilization of the army in 1914 he was appointed chief of the general staff to the Expeditionary Force, and he held that position for the first five months of the war; after this he was employed at the War Office, and during the last three months of 1915 he was chief of the Imperial General Staff, having been promoted lieutenant-general in October. At the beginning of 1916 he was sent out to Egypt to command the field army in that country, and he shortly afterwards became commander-in-chief in that theatre of war. Under his auspices troops gradually pushed their way across the isthmus of Suez, inflicted two severe defeats upon the Turks who tried to stay their advance, and at the beginning of 1917 had gained a firm footing on the borders of Palestine. Successful operations had in the meantime been carried out against the Senussi on the western frontier, and Murray’s good work was recognized by his being given the G.C.M.G. An attack delivered upon the enemy’s position at Gaza at the end of March was, however, only partially successful, and when the effort was renewed three weeks later it met with discomfiture. General Allenby took over charge in the following July and Murray returned home. From 1917 to 1919 he was in command at Aldershot and he was promoted full general in the latter year.