[Shelby Moore].  American statesman, born in Wayne County, KY, on the 22nd of November 1829; studied law and practiced at Springfield, IL, and in 1856 was elected to the Illinois legislature. Four years later he was re-elected and became speaker. From December 1865 until March 3, 1871, he represented the Springfield district in Congress. From 1872 to 1874 he sat in the state legislature, and in 1873 was again speaker. In 1876 he became governor of Illinois, was re-elected in 1880, and resigned February 5, 1883, having been elected United States Senator to succeed David Davis. He was re-elected for the term ending March 1895, and again for the term expiring March 1901. Senator Cullom nominated General Grant in 1872, and General Logan in 1884, and took a prominent part in railroad legislation. His bill creating the Interstate Commerce Commission was passed in 1886.