English theologian, born at Wodehouse Place, near Falmouth, on the 30th of January 1813. His parents were Quakers, and he himself for many years was in communion with the (Darbyite) Plymouth Brethren, but afterwards became a Presbyterian. For a while he worked at the ironworks, Neath Abbey, Glamorgan, and then set up as a private tutor in Falmouth, finally devoting himself to a laborious student life, until he was incapacitated by paralysis in 1870. He received the LL.D. degree from St. Andrews and a pension of £200 from the civil list. He died at Plymouth on the 24th of April 1875.


  Most of his numerous publications had reference to his great critical edition of the New Testament (1857–1872). They include an Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament (1854), a new edition of T. H. Horne’s Introduction (1860), and Canon Muratorianus: Earliest Catalogue of Books of the New Testament (1868). As early as 1844 he published an edition of the Book of the Revelation, with the Greek text so revised as to rest almost entirely upon ancient evidence. Tregelles wrote Heads of Hebrew Grammar (1852), translated Gesenius’s Hebrew Lexicon, and was the author of a little work on the Jansenists (1851) and of various works in exposition of his special eschatological views (Remarks on the Prophetic Visions of Daniel, 1852, new ed., 1864).