[surnamed Kuchuk].  Turkish statesman, at one time editor of the Turkish newspaper Jeridé-i-Havadis. He became first secretary to Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid II. shortly after his accession, and is said to have contributed to the realizations of his majesty’s design of concentrating power in his own hands; later he became successively minister of the interior and Vali of Brussa, reaching the high post of grand vizier in 1879. A Turkish statesman of the old school, he was regarded as somewhat bigoted and opposed to the extension of foreign influence in Turkey. He was grand vizier four more times under Abd-ul-Hamid. In 1896 he took refuge at the British embassy at Constantinople, and, though then assured of his personal liberty and safety, remained practically a prisoner in his own house. He came into temporary prominence again during the revolution of 1908. On the 22nd of July he succeeded Ferid Pasha as grand vizier, but on the 6th of August was replaced by Kiamil Pasha, a man of more liberal views, at the instance of the young Turkish committee. He again became chief minister in the autumn of 1911, and in December proposed to restore to the Sultan the power of dissolving the Chamber without the assent of the Senate. This proceeding gave rise to many storms, and Said Pasha reconstructed his Cabinet January 22, 1912. On January 21st he published in the London Daily Telegraph the proposed reform programme of his Ministry. He was forced to resign July 17, 1912, owing to the strength of the revolutionary movement in the army. He died in 1914.