American author and editor, born in Rochester, NY, on the 27th of January 1840; educated at the University of Rochester, graduating in 1863; edited, with Robert Carter, the Rochester Democrat (1864–68); editor of the Concord (NH) Statesman (1869–72). From 1873 to 1877 he was associated with Ripley and Dana in editing the American Cyclopædia, and afterward, with Sydney Gay, in the preparation of the last two volumes of Bryant and Gay’s History of the United States. In 1883 he became editor of the Annual Cyclopædia. He edited, also, the series of Little Classics (1874–75 and 1880); collections or poems entitled Famous Single and Fugitive Poems (1877); Play-Day Poems (1878); and Fifty Perfect Poems (1882), the latter with Charles A. Dana. Among his own writings are Phaeton Rogers (1881); A History of the War between the United States and Great Britain in 1812–15 (1882); A History of the French War (1882); Idler and Poet (1883); and A Short History of the War of Secession (1888). See also “Evelyn” and “Laurence.”