American soldier, born at East Creek, NY, on the 20th of December 1825; died at Fort Hamilton, NY, on the 4th of December 1888; graduated at West Point in 1847; served during the final operations of the war with Mexico as brevet second lieutenant. From the close of the Mexican War until the opening of the Civil War he was engaged in garrison duty, first as second lieutenant and later as first lieutenant of the Third artillery. On the breaking out of hostilities in 1861, he was promoted to a captaincy in the Fifth artillery, and was engaged at Blackburn’s Ford, July 18th, and three days afterward at Bull Run. He became chief of artillery and participated in the Peninsular and Maryland campaigns. At Chancellorsville he commanded a brigade in the fifth corps, and at Gettysburg, and afterward throughout the war a division of the same corps. He was breveted major for his gallantry at Gettysburg, lieutenant-colonel for bravery in the Wilderness campaign, colonel for his action at the battle on the Weldon railroad, brigadier-general for his action at Five Forks, and major-general for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. After the war he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Twenty-eighth infantry, but was transferred to the Third artillery in 1870, and became colonel of the Second in 1879.