Italian architect and archæologist, born at Rome on the 1st of January. Educated at the Collegio Romano and the university of Rome, he became professor of ancient topography at that university in 1878. In 1872 he had been appointed secretary to the Archæological Commission (of Rome), in 1876 vice-director of the Kircherian museum and in 1878 director of excavations. He was the designer and builder of the archæological park at Rome. The recipient of honorary degrees from many universities, English, American and European, he was made a member of numerous archæological and similar societies, including the Royal Institute of British Architects, who bestowed on him their gold medal. He became a senator of the kingdom of Italy. In 1920 he married Princess Caracciolo Colonna. Among his books are Golden Days of the Renaissance in Rome (1906); and Wanderings in the Roman Campagna (1909). See also Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries and Pagan and Christian Rome.