American artist, born at Stockbridge, MA, on the 29th of July 1862. He studied at the art schools of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Art Students’ League, New York, and under Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. His early pictures were figures of French peasants, painted at Étaples, but subsequently he became best known for mural decoration and designs for stained glass. He contributed with others to the frescoes of the dome of the Liberal Arts Building at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, in 1893. Other work is in the Congressional Library, Washington, the Appellate Court House, New York, and the State House, Boston, where are his three large panels, “James Otis Delivering his Speech against the Writs of Assistance,” “Paul Revere’s Ride” and the “Boston Tea Party.” He executed a panel for the American Pavilion at the Paris Exhibition, 1900, and in 1906 he completed a series of ten stained glass windows for a church at Fairhaven, MA, for the Rogers Memorial. In 1906 he became a full member of the National Academy of Design.