American educator, born at Lurgan, Ireland, on the 5th of April 1844. Removed to America in his thirteenth year; settled in Philadelphia, and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1865; was ordained by the Reformed Presbyterian Church in 1868, and in the same year became professor of Latin and mathematics in the University of Pennsylvania; in 1871 became professor of social science; in 1881 professor of history and English literature, which position he has held ever since. He lectured on protection and the tariff at Harvard in 1884–85, and at Yale in 1886–87; and was Stone lecturer at Princeton in 1891. He was editor of the Penn Monthly from 1870 to 1880, and afterward was editor of the American; edited the first two volumes of the Encyclopædia Americana, a Supplement to the ninth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. He also wrote Social Science and National Economy (1875); Protection to Home Industry (1886); Relief of Local and State Taxation Through Distribution of National Surplus (1883); and The Divine Order of Human Society (1891).