American Colonial founder, born in England. He was a member of the Leyden Nonconformist colony, and in 1617, with John Carver, went to London to negotiate with the Virginia Company for leave to settle in North America and to petition King James for liberty of conscience there. He subsequently made two similar trips, the last time with William Brewster,—resulting in the issuance of a patent, and in 1620 he went to London for the fourth time, with Carver and Martin, to procure funds and charter the Mayflower and Speedwell. When the latter vessel put back, leaky, Mr. Cushman remained behind, and brought on the next company on the Fortune, which reached Plymouth, MA, November 9, 1621. He returned to England in the Fortune, which was captured by the French and detained two weeks; acted as agent in London for the Colony; and in 1623 procured a new charter for territory on Cape Ann. Early in 1625, while preparing to sail thither, he died.