English author and journalist, born in London on the 27th of July 1840, the son of a civil servant. He was a pupil of Benjamin Wyon, medallist and seal-engraver, and made his journalistic début by a series of papers in the Evening Star in 1866, printed separately in the next year as Mr. Sprouts, His Opinions. He became leader-writer and correspondent on the Morning Star, and was subsequently on the staff of the Manchester Guardian, the New York World, and for many years the Daily News, resigning from the last-named paper in 1899. His novel The Democracy (3 vols., 1876) was published under the pseudonym of Whyte Thorne. His remarkable story The Island (1888) attracted little attention until, years afterwards, its successor, No. 5 John Street (1899), made him famous; the earlier novel was then republished. Later works were The Yellow Van (1903), Ring in the New (1906), All Moonshine (1907).