American writer, born in Philadelphia on the 18th of April 1864. He studied at Lehigh University and Johns Hopkins, and in 1886 became a reporter on the Philadelphia Record. After working on several papers he served as managing editor of Harper’s Weekly. He became widely known as a war correspondent, reporting every war from the Greco-Turkish War (1897) to the World War. Of his numerous works of fiction, the earliest are his best, especially Gallegher and Others (1891); Van Bibber and Other Stories (1892) and Episodes from van Bibber’s Life (1899). His other books include Soldiers of Fortune (1897); Captain Macklin (1902); Vera the Medium (1908); The Bar Sinister (1904) and With the French in France and Salonika (1916). His plays include Miss Civilization; The Dictator; The Galloper; The Orator of Zapata City and The Zone Police. He died near Mt. Kisco, NY, on the 11th of April 1916. See also In the Fog and The Princess Aline.