Irish historian, born on the 9th of December 1840, the eldest son of John Bagwell, M.P. for Clonmel from 1857 to 1874. Educated at Harrow and Christ Church, Oxford, he was afterwards called to the English bar, but never practised. As a large landowner in Tipperary he devoted constant and conscientious attention to local affairs, serving on all boards and committees until 1898 when, on the passing of the Local Government Act, his wide experience led to his appointment for five years as a special local government commissioner. In 1905 he became a commissioner for national education. As a historian his reputation rests mainly on his two works, Ireland under the Tudors (3 vols. 1885–90) and Ireland under the Stuarts (3 vols. 1909–16), which are monuments of careful research and wide learning. In recognition of his historical work he was given the hon. degree of Litt.D. by Dublin University in 1913 and that of D.Litt. by Oxford University in 1917. Mr. Bagwell was an uncompromising Unionist, and was well known as a speaker and writer for the cause. He died at Marlfield, Clonmel, on the 4th of December 1918.