American theologian, born at Centre Valley, PA, on the 22nd of November 1851; graduated at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA (1869); at the Lutheran Seminary, Philadelphia (1873); occupied pulpits in Phillipsburg, NJ, and in Philadelphia, PA (1873–78); after which he was professor of dogmatics and exegesis in the Augusta Theological Swedish-English Seminary, Rock Island, IL, and in 1891 was appointed chairman of the faculty of the Lutheran theological seminary, Chicago, IL. He published Commentary on the Gospel of Mark (1881); Exegetical Theology (1886); Biblical Theology of the Old Testament (1886); Historical Theology (1888); A System of Dogmatic Theology (1888); Grammar of the New Testament Greek (1888); The Greek Text of St. John (1888); Method for the Study of New Testament Greek (1888); Commentary on the Hebrew Text of Obadiah (1888); The Theological Encyclopædia, Vol. II: Historical and Systematic (1889); Studies in the Book (1890).