German philogogist, born in Gotha, Germany, on the 22nd of March 1802. After studying philology at Göttingen, he became a teacher in the Lyceum at Hanover, in 1825, and devoted himself chiefly to the Greek language and to Cicero. His Ausführliche Grammatik der Griechischen Sprache (3rd ed., 1893) arranges the syntax of that language on scientific principles, and marks a new epoch in the teaching of Greek. His Elementary Greek Grammar and his Elementary Grammar of the Latin Language passed through numerous editions and translations in Germany, England and America, but are now somewhat out of date. In 1879, his son published his father’s Ausführliche Grammatik der Lateinischen Sprache, in two volumes, a work of deep erudition. He died in Hanover on the 16th of April 1878.