[or Mattos].  Portuguese Brazilian soldier and author, born at Faro, Algarve, Portugal, on the 2nd of November 1776. He joined an artillery regiment in 1780, and served under General Forbes in the Roussillon campaign from 1793 to 1796; was stationed on the island of São Thomé in the Gulf of Guinea, west coast of Africa, 1798–1816, and went the next year to Brazil, chiefly for the purpose of organizing the military school and superintending the building of fortifications. In 1834 he attained the rank of field-marshal. He was in Portugal during the revolutionary crisis there, 1831–32. He published works on his travels in Rio de Janeiro; historical and chorographical works on São Thomé, Minas Geraes and Goyaz; a diary of the attack and defense of the city of Porto; and an index of military law. He was one of the founders of the Instituto e Geographico of Brazil. He died in Rio de Janeiro on the 2nd of March 1839.