[or Repington, Repyngdon].  English bishop and cardinal, educated at Oxford and became an Augustinian canon at Leicester before 1382. A man of some learning, he came to the front as a defender of the doctrines taught by John Wycliffe; for this he was suspended and afterwards excommunicated, but in a short time he was pardoned and restored by Archbishop William Courtenay, and he appears to have completely abandoned his unorthodox opinions. In 1394 he was made abbot of St. Mary de Pré at Leicester, and after the accession of Henry IV. to the English throne in 1399 he became chaplain and confessor to this king, being described as “clericus specialissimus domini regis Henrici.” In 1404 he was chosen bishop of Lincoln, and in 1408 Pope Gregory XII. made him a cardinal. He resigned his bishopric in 1419. Some of Repington’s sermons are in manuscript at Oxford and at Cambridge.