[or Tchihatcheff, Petr Aleksandrovich].  Russian naturalist and geologist, born at Gatchina, near St. Petersburg. He entered the diplomatic service and was (1842–44) attached to the embassy at Constantinople; whence he visited Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt. In 1844, he was charged with a scientific mission to the Altai mountains. He died at Florence on the 13th of October 1890 (N.S.).


  His publications include the following: Voyage scientifique dans l’Altai oriental et les parties adjacentes de la frontière de Chine (with atlas, 1845); Asie Mineure; description physique, statistique et archéologique de cette contrée (4 vols. with 3 atlases, 1853–69); Le Bosphore et Constantinople (1864, another ed. 1877); Considérations géologiques sur les Îles Océaniques (1878); and Espagne, Algérie et Tunisie (1880).