[or Mohyla].  Metropolitan of Kiev from 1632, belonged to a noble Wallachian family. He studied for some time at the university of Paris, and first became a monk in 1625. He was the author of a Catechism (Kiev, 1645) and other minor works, but is principally celebrated for the Orthodox Confession, drawn up at his instance by the Abbot Kosslowski of Kiev, approved at a provincial synod in 1640, and accepted by the patriarchs of Constantinople, Jerusalem, Alexandria and Antioch in 1642–1643, and by the synod of Jerusalem in 1672.


  There are numerous editions of the Confession in Russian; it has been edited in Greek and Latin by Panagiotes (Amsterdam, 1662), by Hofmann (Leipzig, 1695), and by Kimmel (Jena, 1843), and there is a German translation by Frisch (Frankfort, 1727).