English classical archæologist, born in London, and was educated at the City of London school and Christ’s College, Cambridge (fellow, 1872). He was Disney professor of archæology at Cambridge from 1880 to 1887, and was then appointed professor of classical archæology at Oxford, where he had a stimulating influence on the study of ancient, and particularly Greek, art. He also became prominent as an historical critic on Biblical subjects. Among his works are Types of Greek Coins (1883); A Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias (with F. Imhoof-Blumer, 1887); New Chapters in Greek History (1892), an account of excavations in Greece and Asia Minor; Manual of Greek Antiquities (with F. B. Jevons; 2nd ed., 1898); Grammar of Greek Art (1905); Exploratio Evangelica (1899), on the origin of Christian belief; A Historic View of the New Testament (1901); Growth of Christianity (1907); Principles of Greek Art (1913); The Ephesian Gospel (1915); History of Ancient Courage (1918); and Evolution in Christian Ethics (1918). (See authored articles: Apelles, Demetrius, Leochares, Lysippus, Myron, Polyclitus, Polygnotus, Praxiteles, Scopas.)