[Percy Bolingbroke].  English author, born in Plymouth on the 4th of March 1821; a son of the orientalist and author, James Augustus St. John. He traveled with his father in the East, and about 1840 visited Mexico, the United States and Texas, serving for a time in the Texan army; was appointed Paris correspondent of The North British Daily Mail in 1847; devoted himself to literature, and was the author of numerous novels, books for boys and contributions to many magazines and periodicals. His books include The Young Naturalist’s Book of Birds (1844); Three Days of the French Revolution (1848); Book of the War (1853), for which the Greek Parliament gave him a vote of thanks; Arctic Crusoe (1854); The Snow Ship (1865); Good as Gold (1875); and A Daughter of the Sea (1884). He died March 15, 1889.