American poet, born at Charleston, SC, on the 1st of January 1831. He was a son of Lieut. Hayne, U.S.N., and nephew of the distinguished statesman, Governor Robert Y. Hayne. Paul was educated at Charleston, and was a frequent contributor to the Southern Literary Messenger. He published a volume of poems in 1855, the longest being “The Temptation of Venus.” A second volume, Sonnets, and other Poems, followed in 1857, and a third, Avolio, and other Poems, in 1859. During the civil war Hayne wrote some fiery poems, were reprinted in Simms’s War Poetry of the South. Since that time he published Legends and Lyrics (1872), and has edited the Poems of Henry Timrod (1873). Short poems continue to appear from his pen in the prominent literary periodicals. He died on the 6th of July 1886. See also Literary Criticism.