American editor, born in Peacham, VT, on the 27th of December 1809. He served an apprenticeship in the printing-office of the Montpelier Watchman, and in 1831 became editor of the Christian Soldier, a Universalist semimonthly of Boston. Here he met William Lloyd Garrison and became with him one of the founders of the New England Antislavery Society, the name of which was afterward changed to the American Antislavery Society. He edited until 1865 several antislavery journals, in succession, in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and the West, and after the Civil War became manager of the Independent; in 1870, of The Weekly Tribune; in 1873, of the Christian Union; in 1877, editor of the Orange Journal; in 1884 became a member of the staff of the New York Evening Post. He published William Lloyd Garrison and His Times (1880). He died in Brooklyn on the 10th of December 1889.