[or Trevet].  English chronicler, the son of Sir Thomas Trevet (d. 1283), a judge, and became a Dominican friar. After studying at Oxford and in Paris, he spent most of his subsequent years in writing and teaching, and died about 1328. His chief work is his Annales sex regum Angliae, a chronicle of English history covering the period between 1135 and 1307; this is valuable for the later part of the reign of Henry III. and especially for that of Edward I., who was the author’s contemporary. A member of the same family was Sir Thomas Trivit (d. 1383), a soldier of repute, who saw a good deal of service in France, and died in October 1383.


  The Annales were published in Paris in 1668, in Oxford in 1719, and were edited by Thomas Hog for the English Historical Society in 1845. Manuscripts are at Oxford and in the British Museum. Trevet’s other historical works are Catalogus regum anglo-saxonum durante heptarchia, and Les Cronicles qe frere N. Trevet escript a dame Marie (“Marie” was Edward I.’s daughter Mary). From the latter Chaucer is believed to have obtained his Man of Law’s Tale. Trevet also wrote a number of works of a theological and philological character.